Flowkeeper Use Cases

  • Getting Things Done - Flowkeeper reduces the effect of internal and external interruptions on focus and flow.
  • Tasks Tracking - Take quick notes and create todos, which you can estimate and execute later.
  • Teams Orchestration - Flowkeeper can sync your team cycles, increasing cohesion between teammates and further reducing interruptions.
  • Preparing Timesheets - Export all your tasks for a given period to simplify reporting work progress.
  • Continuous Improvement - Flowkeeper is like Apple Health for your Pomodoro Technique. You can use it to learn your own habits and improve your planning accordingly.

Screenshots and Features

Those screenshots were generated on Kubuntu 20.04 (XOrg, KDE Plasma 5) for the latest version of Flowkeeper.

Download Flowkeeper

The latest release

We build Flowkeeper automatically thanks to GitHub Pipelines. Flowkeeper is Open Source software, so you can build it from source yourself. You can also find previous releases in GitHub.


Flowkeeper is tested on Windows 10, 11 and Server 2019. It does NOT require admin rights to install and execute.


We test Flowkeeper on an Intel MacBook Pro running macOS 10.15 and on an M1 iMac running macOS 11.0.


We test Flowkeeper on the latest stable versions of Debian, Ubuntu, Fefora and RHEL. As of June 2024, there's a known issue related to accessing the keychain, which may prevent Flowkeeper from working in your specific setup. This will be mitigated in the upcoming version 0.6.x.


Why Another Pomodoro Timer?

Unlike other timers on the market, Flowkeeper is designed to be: a). Free Software; b). Cross-platform; c). Work natively on a Desktop. It is not just a Pomodoro timer, but a robust, open and secure work tracking platform.

How is it better than XYZ?

Compared on XYZ, Flowkeeper likely: a). Supports different desktop OS better; b). Is more lightweight and performant (it's not based on Electron); c). Is optimized for usability (keyboard shortcuts and advanced configuration); d). Is free as Freedom; e). Supports end-to-end data encryption (you own the encryption keys);

Is it really free?

Yes, it is totally free, and is distributed under the terms of GPL license, similar to Linux Kernel or Git.

Is my data safe? What about privacy?

We take user privacy seriously. Unless you synchronize your data via flowkeeper.org, Flowkeeper won't send any usage or other data anywhere. You might have noticed that this site doesn't have a Cookies banner -- it's because we don't use cookies for tracking you. When you use Offline mode (the default behavior), your data is stored in a plaintext, unencrypted file on your disk. You can see the filename in Settings and inspect its contents. If you choose to synchronize your data with Flowkeeper.org, the application forces you to define a key, which is used to encrypt and decrypt data on your computer. Flowkeeper Server doesn't have that key, and thus cannot decrypt your data.

How can I report a bug or request a feature?

File an Issue on our GitHub page: https://github.com/flowkeeper-org/fk-desktop/issues.

How can I synchronize my Flowkeeper across several devices?

There are two options. First of all, you can synchronize data using Flowkeeper Server, which you can host yourself or rely on the one running at flowkeeper.org. Alternatively, you can use the default file-based data backend and synchronize the data file via the likes of Dropbox, OneDrive or rclone. And if you enable "Watch changes" option, you can synchronize Flokkeeper events across all your devices in near real-time. Flowkeeper.org requires end-to-end encryption, it won't allow Flowkeeper application store data in unencrypted form.

Is there a mobile version?

Check out https://app.flowkeeper.org and try to add it to your phone as a PWA. This app is still in its BETA stage, but you can use it to manage your backlogs and work items.